Hans Christian Andersen House
Step into Hans Christian Andersen’s House in Odense – a museum attraction where fairy tales, architecture and immersive experiences come together.
Odense has a surprisingly large selection for art and culture afficionados. Odense offers international exhibitions and attractions of international standard, but also plenty of galleries, theatres, music stages, festivals and smaller, local initiatives that form a cultural base and the backbone of the city's cultural life.
Did you know that we offer free digital city walks?
Photo:Elvinas Tam
Brandts is housed in the former textile mille Brandts Klædefabrik which now forms Odense's Latin Quarter. The exhibition covers 3 floors and there is alway several guest exhibitions as well as a permanent exhibition showcasing our much loved Funen artists.
HINT - Skagen was not the only Danish Golden Age artist colony
A well known artist residing in Odense is Jens Galschiøt. He is known primarily for his protest art and many have seen his Pillar of Shame and My Inner Beast sculptures. You can visit his studio and watch him work. Other notable galleries in Odense are Gallerie Rasmus and Filosoffen, housed in a beautiful building on the river front.
All galleries
Here are a few suggestions for a delicious complement to your cultural experience in Odense. Odense is full of delicious options, whether you want a total experience with a white tablecloth, waiter and wine menu or you just want a quick snack on the go.