School Gardens in Odense
A 1000 students can now grow their own vegetables, gain better knowledge about nature and a better understanding of sustainability, food culture and health. Several of the UN's world goals focus on sustainability, and school gardens are a concrete way of working towards the goals.
The first school garden in Odense opened in 2011 on Falen and in 2016 another school garden opened in Holluf Pile. 2020 was the year when the third school garden opened at Skibhusgården and made it possible for a total of 44 school classes to work with the school gardens and nature up close, and even more school children can try their hand at hoeing and outdoor cooking.

Photo:Odense Kommune
"Gardens for Stomachs" puts nature on the school curriculum
The study of nature, sustainability and climate are just as important as Danish and mathematics. "Gardens for Stomachs" is an association that has a goal of strengthening children and young people's commitment to sustainability, food culture and health and has helped to establish school gardens throughout the country. Therefore, it has become possible to put nature on the students' schedule and thus give the children a solid understanding of the interplay between cultivation, cooking and nature. Also, students can use their skills from other subjects outdoors when, for example, they have to read their recipes or measure garden lots.
Happy and proud children work with sustainable world goals.
Several of the UN's world goals focus on sustainability, and school gardens and nature are a concrete way of working towards the goals. At the same time, the children themselves are allowed to try their hand at sowing seeds, hoeing and harvesting vegetables, and this inspires the children. When they are involved in growing and harvesting vegetables in the school gardens, they experience how their food gets from farm to fork, and this results in some very happy and proud children. The school gardens become a new learning environment that allows students to learn in a different way and can also lead to new communities.