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Restaurant Bouillon

Restaurant Bouillon is a Parisian-inspired eatery offering honest, high-quality food at affordable prices in beautiful surroundings.

Experience Restaurant Bouillon

Here, guests can enjoy a full dining experience with three courses, wine in balloon glasses, tablecloths, and uniformed waiters – all without breaking the bank. When the bill arrives, it will feel like something is missing, but this is simply Bouillon’s concept of "great experience, small bill."

Classic Dishes from the French Cuisine

The menu at Bouillon is classically divided into starters, main courses, and desserts, featuring beloved favorites from French cuisine. Guests can look forward to steak frites, onion soup, tartare, duck confit, crème brûlée, and chocolate mousse. Additionally, French cheeses are served on elegant plates, and the carafes offer classic wines.

A Historical Inspiration

The name Bouillon and the concept behind the restaurant are inspired by the traditional bouillons of Paris, which emerged in the late 1800s. These restaurants were created as a reaction to the idea that fine dining should not only be accessible to the wealthy. The principle of offering good food at reasonable prices in beautiful settings quickly became popular, and it is precisely this idea that Bouillon has adopted and brought to Odense.

Take a seat in a French wicker chair, unfold your napkin, and enjoy a pastis while experiencing the charm and taste of Paris right here in Odense.
