Outdoor Gym Munke Mose
The outdoor fitness area at Munke Mose offers a variety of different fitness equipment for both children as well as adults, with some placed together, others are set apart. This allows for the potential to compete with each other if desired. The outdoor fitness area is placed right next to the walking and bicycling paths which are paved throughout Munke Mose, as well as being next to an outdoor football field. You’re also not too far away from some benches next to the river and the city center.
The outdoor fitness area is perfectly suitable for full body circuit training, a casual or group workout, or just a good opportunity for strength, circuit and stretching exercises during your run. If this outdoor fitness area is not on your running route, or a bit out of the way for you, there are similar outdoor fitness areas around the city that you can find through the website and app ‘Odense Rundt’ here: Outdoor Fitness Areas in Odense
The outdoor fitness area is free to use and available 24/7.